Lvivs bokmässa 2012 – Del II

Category: by prallin, by sophie engström, georgia, literature, ukraina
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(Läsningstid: < 1 minut)

En bokmässa betyder alltid fester, och i år hade jag förmånen att bli inbjuden till en fest som Lvivs borgmästare, Andriy Sadovyi, bjöd in till. Italienska gården, en magnifik gård vid Lvivs torg, fick husera det festglada bokmässefolket.

Italienska gården.

Folk vimlar och vinglar.

Den ukrainsk-svenska poeten Helena Tomasson framträdde utanför Idéernas Museum. Jag hoppas verkligen att Tomassons “Saga om Georgien” snart kommer ut på svenska.

Från Malmö festivalen 2011.

EURO 2012 poetry

Category: by sophie engström, photo by prallin, poetry, poland, ukraine
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(Läsningstid: < 1 minut)

And now for some more “non football during Euro 2012”-activities. At the fens to Ivan Franko Park you can find translated poetry by contemporary Polish and Ukrainian poets. I would say that Yuri Andrukhovych is among the most famous, and especially for an international audience. Among other Ukrainian names you can find Katerina Babkina and Andrei Bondar.

I am afraid that I am no good in Polish poetry, and can’t say mych about the names. But many of the pieces are very intrigues. So, to tell the truth, there are some small tasty pieces in the Euro 2012 pie.

For more info.

Zhovkva and other places – May 2012

Category: by sophie engström, photography, ukraine
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(Läsningstid: < 1 minut)

cheese scrutinized

I like slowness. The time it take from trigger the camera shutter to the developing the film and to looking at the scans. That is why we only now, goes from April to May. This serie includes a visit to the wonderful Zhovkva and of course, Vynnynky.

And as always, thanks for the developing and scans Фотовернісаж. You are the best!

Late April to Early May

Category: by sophie engström, photography
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(Läsningstid: < 1 minut)

on our way

I think I love Lviv most when it is in blossom.
After a long shy winter the trees blush with flowers.
Spreadings the happiness over and in us.
Lviv goes calm and crazy in the same time.
It is like being part a magical show.
That repeats itself every year.
But without any predictability.

April goes to May

Category: by sophie engström, photography
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(Läsningstid: < 1 minut)

I am slowly catching up with time. Now we have reached April and Early May. April was a months with really switching weather. From ultra-hot to cold as in… Sweden. I prefer Ukrainian heat to Northern chill, actually. And it seems my camera do too.

And May is soon to come also to viewpoint-east

More Early March summer feeling

Category: by sophie engström, photography, ukraine
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(Läsningstid: < 1 minut)

In Early March we had this real summer weather. Here is some more photos of a wonderful walk to the village Vynnynky and some more walks through the Lvivian outskirts.

Lviv in LOMO

Category: by sophie engström, photography
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(Läsningstid: < 1 minut)

I got a LOMO Smena 8M camera this winter. After a small repair I started to use it. However, it seems thought that my Swedish viking hands are just too strong for Soviet stuff plastic… so I broke it, after just eight shots… But what pictures, eh? I just love the interpretation of the world it does! So I must fix it again. I will NOT give up!