(Läsningstid: 3 minuter)Idag inleds bokmässan i Lviv. Under mässan arrangeras flera möten mellan svenska och ukrainska författare. Arrangemanget är ett samarbete mellan Svenska institutet, tidskriften 10-tal, bokmässan i Lviv samt Fili (Finnish literature exchange). Ni kan läsa om alla evenemang på Facebook.
Ivan Franko universitet i Lviv kommer att gästas av Lina Ekdahl, Linn Hansén, Ulrika Kärnborg och Gunnar Ardelius.
Nedan ser ni bilder från kvällens evenemang där Ulrika Kärnborg samtalar med bland annat Andriy Bonar om torget som politisk arena.

Hela arrangemanget (frånsett de som är på Ivan Franko universitetet i Lviv):
Swedish-Ukrainian literature program
Wednesday 2014.10.10
Levakovsky café, Cathedralna square, 2
The square. Protests and public uprisings are not only subjects in news reporting, but also a theme in literature, sometimes written almost in real time. The question is how these representations use the protest as a motif and for which purposes?
Ulrika Kärnborg (Sweden)
Lyubov Yakymchuk (Ukraine)
Andrej Khadanovich (Belarus)
Moderator Andrij Bondar
Thursday 2014.10.11
Center for Urban History of East Central Europe, Bohomoltsa str., 6
Euromaidan from the outside. How did media in Sweden, Finland and Poland report on the dramatic events in Ukraine that started with Euromaidan? Could we even speak about a kind of ideological trench warfare? And how does the independent Ukrainian media cover the events unfolding – is there full freedom of expression or do we witness a propaganda war?
Stefan Ingvarsson (Sweden)
Sofi Oksanen (Finland)
Natalka Snyadanko (Ukraine)
Ziemowit Szczerek (Poland)
Moderator Yurko Prokhasko
Dzyga, Virmenska str., 35
Literature and the future of the planet. How is literature dealing with the ecological crisis on Earth? A discussion between Oley Lysheha, described as the Henry David Thoreau of the 21st century by Andriy Bondar; Aase Berg, Swedish poet who thinks that capitalism is at the heart of the matter, and Jonas Gren, Swedish poet and journalist who writes about land surveying and the human strive to control all that is living.
Jonas Gren (Sweden)
Oleh Lysheha (Ukraine)
Aase Berg (Sweden)
Moderator Lev Hrytsuk
History of Religion Museum, Muzejna sq, 2
Feminism in literature. How does feministic literature manifest itself in two different countries as Sweden and Ukraine – progress, establishment or backlash? Four prominent writers from Sweden and Ukraine discuss aspects of literary feminism.
Ulrika Kärnborg (Sweden)
Iryna Shuvalova (Ukraine)
Evgenia Kononenko (Ukraine)
Aase Berg (Sweden)
Moderator Nadiya Chushak
Friday 2014.10.12
George Hotel Мickiewicz sq., 1
Historical novel. The historical novel is a vivid genre and contemporary literature seems almost obsessed with historical persons given new life through literary works. But what is the responsibility of the author when using history and real individuals as material for their stories?
Anneli Jordahl (Sweden)
Volodymyr Lys (Ukraine)
Sophia Andrukhovych (Ukraine)
Sofi Oksanen (Finland)
Moderator Oksana Dudko
Coffeeshop Company, Soborna sq., 2a
The role of the translator. What is the role of the translator in the literary exchange between countries and languages? Can the literary translator even contribute to revitalizing the own literary context (and thereby the language) through bringing in impulses from the outside? A discussion with translators from Sweden, Ukraine and Belarus.
Nils Håkansson (Sweden)
Lev Hrytsyk (Ukraine)
Yulya Tsimafeyeva (Belarus)
Stefan Ingvarsson (Sweden)
Moderator Nelya Vakhovska
Dzyga, Virmenska str., 35
Poetry and humor. Contemporary poetry travels many different roads and takes use of a number of esthetic and rhetoric tools. Is humor a poetic strategy among these, and in that case what would a poetics of humor look like?
Lina Ekdahl (Sweden)
Linn Hansén (Sweden)
Oleh Kotsarev (Ukraine)
Siarhiej Prylucki (Belarus)
Moderator Lev Hrytsuk