Betraktelser och återspeglingar
Category: by sophie engström, photography
Tags: Lviv
Category: by sophie engström, photography
Tags: Lviv
Category: by sophie engström, photography, poland
Tags: Kraków. poland
A couple of weeks ago I visited Kraków. This was my first visit in several years. During my last time I visit to Kraków I also visited Auschwitz. This effected of course my mood, but I also believe Poland has changed… a lot! Walking around in beautiful Kraków you can feel a certain atmosphere that you can’t feel anywhere else in Europe right now, and that is the atmosphere of success. From perhaps being the greyest country in Europe, Poland is today the most prospering one, and you can feel it. I am afraid though, that my pictures below is not completely fair to Kraków. My decision to use b/w film has nothing to do with Kraków, but late autumn. Late autumn is in itself b/w.
I have to say that Poland, Polish and Poles and awakened a curiosity in me, and I will certainly be back soon! With some more language skills.
Category: by sophie engström, photography, ukraina
Category: by sophie engström, photography
Tags: Lviv
Category: art, by sophie engström, movies, photography
Tags: movie, photography, yuri kazakov
Yuri Kazakov at imdb.
Die Geige / A Violin made by Yuri Kazakov in Poland (winter 2005)
A memorial movie made by Sasha Glyadelov, Tanya Hodakovskaya, Olga Komissar, Konstantin Petrov, Andrey Toloshny, Anya Sorokolet, Alisa Zdorovetskaya and many many more. Edited by: Andrey Toloshnyy and Tanya Hodakovskaya