Autumn in Lviv

Category: by sophie engström, ukraine

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Autumn turns to Winter, and has been very silent for several months. To compensate this I will during the next coming days published some of my photo sessions from this autumn. I hope to be able to be some more active during winter and spring.

viewpoint-east now located in Lviv

Category: by sophie engström, ukraine

(Läsningstid: < 1 minut) is now located to Lviv in Ukraine. I will stay here for at least one year, hopefully much longer. Since it is my first visit to Lviv it will perhaps take some time to find topics on essays, articles etc. But after been able tracking those down, will of course be more active. If you have any suggestions, please contact me.

Essays, photos, ideas, topics, writers NEEDED!

Category: by sophie engström, Estern Europe

(Läsningstid: < 1 minut)

So, is slowly returning form its summer coma. One of the main reasons why there has been such low activity is that will change location to Lviv in Ukraine during this autumn. A matter a fact from late September.

But to help to be keep going as strong as it was this spring, I would like to encourage you to write, find writers, come with topic ideas, contribute with photo/art slideshows, etc etc! really need this help, in getting stronger and improved. You can write in English, Swedish, Russian or Ukrainian.

I myself is working on a new topic that is focusing on the question how socialism will be able to reinforce and think new after many years of being trapped in a neo-liberal paradigm. Is it possible to believe Olivier Besancenot when he says that we can find a new way of revolution, reinvented, far from the “bloody caricatures” we had earlier in history? How does people in countries like Ukraine, Poland, Russia perceive this?

Do you have any ideas to add to mine or any other serious ideas? Fell welcome to contact me! recommends: Taras 3000

Category: by sophie engström, music, russia
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(Läsningstid: < 1 minut)

August heat still covers most parts of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus (such as the rain pours down at the Swedish West coast), but as far as I have heard the rain and chill is on it’s way during this week (but a storm has already hit Northwestern Russia). I think, however, it’s time for a new hot recommendation: Taras 3000.

Taras 3000 is the alter-ego for Dmitri Yaponets, DJ, performer and producer from Moscow. I have never liked to label music so I refrain and let you decide for yourself what you think and feel.

05 Bi2 – Muza by Taras3000

Check also this recording from SONAR09. Here is the program and link to Sonar10.

Kyiv Feb 2010

Category: by sophie engström, ukraine

(Läsningstid: < 1 minut)

My lastest visit to Kyiv, but hopefully not my last, was in January-February this year. Cold and dark, but even so, more nice, warm and friendly. Hopefully these pictures can share some of those feelings.

Kyiv Nov 2008

Category: by sophie engström, ukraine

(Läsningstid: < 1 minut)

These pictures was taken during one of my visits to Kyiv. It is one of my own favorite albums, possibly because somebody managed to capture my face and because there are many faces in this set that I like. But even so, there are many faces I miss too. I have promised myself to try to be better in taking photos of friends. But still I am far too shy for that.

Moscow April 2008

Category: by sophie engström, russia

(Läsningstid: < 1 minut)

These photos from Moscow in April 2008 are perhaps my own favourites. Possibly because this was the first time I used Ilford b/w 3200 and I was very stunned by the grain and the mystery the pictures got through using that film.