Late April to Early May

Category: by sophie engström, photography
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on our way

I think I love Lviv most when it is in blossom.
After a long shy winter the trees blush with flowers.
Spreadings the happiness over and in us.
Lviv goes calm and crazy in the same time.
It is like being part a magical show.
That repeats itself every year.
But without any predictability.

April goes to May

Category: by sophie engström, photography
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I am slowly catching up with time. Now we have reached April and Early May. April was a months with really switching weather. From ultra-hot to cold as in… Sweden. I prefer Ukrainian heat to Northern chill, actually. And it seems my camera do too.

And May is soon to come also to viewpoint-east

More Early March summer feeling

Category: by sophie engström, photography, ukraine
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(Läsningstid: < 1 minut)

In Early March we had this real summer weather. Here is some more photos of a wonderful walk to the village Vynnynky and some more walks through the Lvivian outskirts.

Early March Lviv

Category: by sophie engström, photography, ukraine

(Läsningstid: < 1 minut)

This March we got summer. Hot and dry and the forest, flowers, trees and people seemed to be a bit in a chock. Through some walks through Brjugovych forest and Dasha areas – and also through the city’s outskirts – we saw how the the city and nature woke up from it’s winter doze. Lviv is so easy to love.

Lviv in LOMO

Category: by sophie engström, photography
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I got a LOMO Smena 8M camera this winter. After a small repair I started to use it. However, it seems thought that my Swedish viking hands are just too strong for Soviet stuff plastic… so I broke it, after just eight shots… But what pictures, eh? I just love the interpretation of the world it does! So I must fix it again. I will NOT give up!

Lviv with Winter hat

Category: by sophie engström, photography, ukraine
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Jesus with mantle

Ceilings with teeth

Architecture – finished, completed

Category: by sophie engström, photography, ukraina

(Läsningstid: < 1 minut)

While living in Lviv you are very spoiled with lovely architecture from 15th to 20th century. This implies that it is easy to forget the other buildings. However, I have always been very interested in 19060s, 1970s architecture, so here is some evidence of those “non-seen”-houses.